FAQ About Window Film


Action Window Tinting

Have a window-tinting service-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • Does window film block light?

    Not at all. This is one of the special features of window film. It has been designed to control heat, protect against fading and glare, all without obscuring light and sunshine. You really do get the best of both worlds. Working with professional installers, you can select a film that gives you the level of protection you want while maintaining a livable space. 

  • Can it reduce glare?

    Glare from the sun can be a huge distraction in any space. Window film offers versions with tint, designed to cut down the amount of sunlight that enters a room.

  • Will it prevent fading?

    Absolutely! This is one of the main reasons homeowners purchase window films. It is designed to filter out bad light, including UV rays, and only allow the good light to enter your home or building.

  • Will it reduce internal temperatures?

    One of the many benefits of window film is its ability to reduce the amount of sunshine that passes through a window. This reduction of solar energy reduces the transference of heat and can make a room substantially cooler; up to 8-10 degrees in some instances.

  • Can you install it on double-panes windows and doors?

    Yes. Window film can be successfully applied to any modern dual-pane window, including tempered windows and windows.

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